Tuesday, January 18, 2011

In preparation for our upcoming Wednesday night program, WOW (the Word of Wednesdays), I came across this article on spiritual gifts in children. I think the article provides a good refresher on the general concept of spiritual gifts and provides some helpful guidance. The following is a direct quote from "Recognizing Spiritual Gifts in Your Kids" by Mimi Bullock

6 Practical Steps to Recognize the Spiritual Gifts in Kids

1. Study: Dig into God’s word to refresh your understanding of spiritual gifts.

**edit: read about spiritual gifts in 1 Corinthians chapter 12

2. Pray: Ask God to give you wisdom and discernment while undertaking this endeavor.

3. Talk: Share with your Senior Pastor and support staff what’s on your heart. Ask for advice and talk about any concerns either of you may have.

4. Listen: In order to recognize the spiritual gifts in your children you’ll have to spend time with them. That will more than likely longer than an hour on Sundays. Be an active listener when interacting with kids. Listen to their hopes and dreams. God is in there somewhere!

5. Ask: Besides prayer, ask the Spirit pointed questions about each child. Be like Samuel when searching for a new king and ask, “What about this one?”

6. Teach: Kids don’t know there are gifts to be had if you aren’t telling them. Teach about spiritual gifts on a regular basis. Challenge kids to ask God personally about their own gifts.


As I think of each child in our ministry, I can't help but wonder how God plans to use them and what gift(s) the Spirit has placed within them.

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